Smile Again with Confidence

Dental Implants in Holmdel

If you’re suffering from tooth loss, the Dental Health Center of Holmdel can help. Whether you are missing one tooth as the result of an injury or accident, or you have many missing teeth due to periodontal disease or other dental issues, dental implants offer stable replacements. Schedule a consultation now to learn how implants can help restore the health and appearance of your smile.

The Unique Benefits of Dental Implants

Unlike dentures, dental implants never shift or move, and they are permanently attached to your jaw bone. This helps strengthen your jaw and prevents bone loss, which is a common issue after losing a tooth prematurely. In addition, implants look and feel completely natural, and can be used to restore one tooth, a few missing teeth, or an entire arch of missing teeth.

The Implant Placement Process

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Your Consultation

To begin the process, you’ll come in for a consultation at the Dental Health Center of Holmdel. During this appointment, one of our dentists will provide you with a comprehensive oral exam and help you decide whether dental implants are right for you. We’ll give you all the information you need about your dental health and treatment details to ensure that you make an informed decision.

Implant Surgery

If you’re approved for dental implant treatment, you will come in for a surgical appointment. During this visit, your dentist will clean and numb your mouth, then create openings in your jaw bone and gum tissue to place one or more implants. Once the implants are placed, they will be sutured shit and you will be sent home to heal and recover.

Healing & Osseointegration

 It will take about 2 weeks to heal from the initial placement process, but it can take up to 6 months for the jaw bone to fuse with the implant permanently. This process is known as osseointegration. Throughout your healing, you’ll come back to our office for several follow-ups, and we will begin creating your restoration to replace your missing teeth.

Patient after the healing process

The Restoration Process

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Choosing a Restoration

Single-tooth implants are ideal if you are only missing a few teeth, but implant-supported dentures may be a better choice if you are missing most of your teeth. When you begin treatment, one of our dentists will help you decide on the best option for your needs.

Attaching Your Crown or Denture

After your mouth has fully healed, you’ll come in for your final appointment. During this visit, your implant will be exposed and your dentist will permanently attach a crown or dentures to your abutment.

Maintenance and Aftercare

Single-tooth restorations can be treated just like natural teeth. Brush and floss normally, and see your dentist every six months for a routine teeth cleaning. Implant-supported dentures require more complex care. Your dentist will provide you with comprehensive instructions for denture care during the final stages of your implant treatment.

Couple taking care of teeth by brushing after treatment

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Am I a Good Candidate for Implants?

You are likely a good candidate for dental implants if you are missing one or more teeth and you are free of any other major dental health issues, like periodontal disease. Though our dentists will only be able to tell if you are a good candidate during a thorough consultation, the best candidates for dental implants:

Suffer from tooth loss
Want to replace unstable dentures
Are willing to commit to proper oral hygiene after treatment

Take the First Step and Book a Consultation

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